What Does Your Next Chapter Look Like?

There’s nothing like being deprived of something to help us really appreciate its value. Among COVID’s blessings was what it taught you about what really matters to you. And this past year deprived us of a lot didn’t it? ...family …friends …normal life and “counted on” social interactions…

There’s nothing like a little deprivation to provide perspective.

Consider this… If I suddenly blindfolded you and made you go about your day without your sight, your other senses would support you as you learned to adapt. Sure, some things may look a bit different than your day-to-day. As you fumble about the kitchen to make your breakfast, you might choose to pour a bowl of cereal versus testing your knife skills sight unseen and slicing avocado for your morning toast. And it might not be your first choice, but you would figure it out… you would overcome. Heck you might even discover you’ve been in an avocado toast rut and you DO enjoy a hearty bowl of cereal to start your day.

So after that funny example, I ask you this... What did you like about your life during COVID19?

And since we know it was a time of ups and downs… reflect on what you were doing during your happier days. Think about what you found really valuable. What did you do as a result of the social restrictions that brought you comfort, peace or joy? Was it cooking, games with the kids, cozy at-home date nights, a fitness regimen you developed if your usual place wasn’t an option? Did you spend money differently, that has you rethinking how you spend moving forward? About what you want to earn and spend to feel abundant? Maybe you embraced Zooms and now you know you can connect with others even though you don’t live near each other. That you want to keep up those calls even after you can travel again.

Our world is opening up.

And ...the rhythm of your days is changing… again.

So let’s take a minute to talk about how you can dance to the new rhythm and retain what was good in your life during the pandemic. Remember this is about keeping what’s most meaningful to you - and that may have changed over the last year. So if you want to keep what’s good and leave out what doesn’t serve you, grab a pen and let’s dig in…

Get some paper or your favorite note-taking app and let's do some exploring..

Make two columns and label one of them “What I Did Not Miss” and “Currently Excited By.” In the “Currently Excited By” column list all the things you missed during shut down and quarantine. If you’re having trouble, try asking yourself a few questions to jog your memory. Things like… If you felt bored, what were the things you couldn’t wait to be able to do again? Think about everything from the tiny everyday joys like grabbing a coffee from your favorite shop, to the larger gatherings we all put on hold. What did you daydream about, in the quieter moments when you were stuck at home?

Perhaps as important as what you’re excited by, is examining what you did NOT miss. If you’re looking to invest your time more wisely, you can be really thoughtful about what you don’t want to reestablish from your pre-COVID routines. And while you can’t control the traffic on your morning commute, maybe you learned some things and became aware of what doesn’t serve you. Things you were doing just out of habit. Write those down in your “What I did not miss” column.

Like people after a life-changing event -- like a war, a breakup, a job loss -- you have a new chapter, the post-COVID one.

You get to ask yourself “What’s next?”

This is your chance to make choices about how you invest your time and energy that reflects what you learned over the last year+. About what you really want.

Let’s go back to the question of what you dreamed about when your options were limited. Was it that you’d find work that fulfills you, that you’d stay connected with loved ones even after you all returned to lives outside the home? Maybe the hibernating nature of the pandemic really did a number on your mood, that had been a challenge even prior and now you’re really tired of feeling low way too often. Maybe you told yourself, If only I could go to a gym, take that class and be around people learning and having fun, I could feel so much better. I want you to have the bigger life you dreamt about, so.... have you taken those steps? Have you applied for that job that gets you excited as opposed to your current one that’s felt crummy... for too long?

Take a minute and imagine your life if you were to make those specific dreams a reality. Close your eyes if that helps you see it. What promises do you need to make right now to ensure that happens? If not, what’s stopping you?

I know one place for you to look...

Your Mindset ...

Because if you’re going to make changes, it’s vital to your success.

Notice how you’re talking to yourself about the coming months or year. Are you feeling nervous, unsure, or scared about what lies ahead, given the challenging past year? Or are you re-framing your future in a positive way? Are you using positive self-talk and saying mantras like - I’m free again. I’m excited to get started on the goals I daydreamed about. I am curious about what’s next. When nothing is certain, everything is possible.

Think of what has been discovered because people were curious. What’s available to us in medicine, technology, etc. as a result of people embracing the unknown.

You may not be able to see exactly what lies ahead for you, but if you approach the unknown, interested and open, you’ll have a better outcome. If you’re feeling a bit uncertain, this is the time for you to be brave. And sometimes “brave” means getting a little support like starting therapy, hiring a coach, or even a personal trainer to help ensure you stay on track. To make sure that you stay accountable to you.

Because creating real change is what will make your next chapter outstanding. Now it may be “it’s hard work”, self-doubt, or simply a fear of change that’s kept you from thriving. But again, you have the opportunity to take the lessons with you. You got clear about what matters most to you and you’re in a position to make those things happen, now.

If you’re in a place to take action on your dreams and need some support to make sure you get there, I’m here to help. People work with coaches for a variety of reasons like helping assess what’s next and create a path and plan to get there. Or to help them remove roadblocks along the way and reach their goals faster.

See... I believe your success is determined by you, not external events, and that you have the ability to make your dreams happen. I know you can figure things out. Sometimes it just takes an outside perspective to remove the blindspots and remind you of what you already know. That’s at the core of how I help people achieve results that rock their world. I help them realize that the solutions to any challenges lie within them.

I’d love to support you with a complimentary Breakthrough session and explore what’s possible for you. Email me at info@coachingwithlee.com to schedule.

Til next time…

Lee Odescalchi