Learn what my clients say about the results I helped them create.

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I always look forward to my conversations with Dr. Lee, and I feel extremely privileged to have her as my coach. As a result of her coaching, I have experienced improvements in many relationships in my life: most importantly in my marriage. I was detached, not present, and was living my life on autopilot. Thanks to Lee, I have been able to find a healthy balance of gratitude for the present and ambition to strive for the things I really want. Her incredible background in psychology has helped me make better sense of who I am, and her powerful coaching has helped me tremendously in moving forward and living my life more effectively and joyfully. Thank you Dr. Lee!


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Dr. Lee’s kind and warm presence encourages me to be vulnerable yet she always holds me accountable for my actions and thoughts. She’s calm and understanding, yet also incredibly charismatic, especially when I am making progress. One of the most useful tools Dr. Lee has given me is what to say to myself when I am unsure of a situation. I had come to her with a habit of being a people-pleaser: I didn’t feel as though I could be honest with others or myself for a very long time. With her, I created ways of speaking to myself that I bring to mind now when I’m in a difficult situation. Whether it’s saying yes to help or telling a loved one how I really feel.

Dr. Lee has pushed me in such a positive direction. To be my most authentic self. Her help has opened so many doors for me in all facets of my life.


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A year ago I was feeling overwhelmed with life’s demands as well as adjusting to motherhood. I knew I should reach out to a professional but I was skeptical since I had no prior experience in working with someone. During my initial call with Lee, I immediately felt comfortable. Within the last year she has given me a space in which I feel confident exploring issues without feeling judged. Dr. Odescalchi has helped me grow by honoring who I am as an individual all the while being honest, empathetic, and knowledgeable. At a time in my life where I was at an impasse, she has given me invaluable tools and the self-assurance to move forward. -J

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When I asked G., a successful businessman, what he got from working with me, he said,

“I’m definitely more observant of my own reactions with people: the way I handle things in dealing with my child and my wife.  In situations with my employees, I’m more self-aware.  I started working with Lee at a time when I thought my life was falling apart.  She was somewhere to turn, and gets me thinking more about my actions and how they affect people.  As a result of working with her, I feel more connected to people now.

One thing I found helpful was that Lee got me thinking between our meetings in a different way, especially about my relationships.  I liked that because I could follow up with her if I had any questions the following week.” -G

Does this feel like where you want to be?