Coaching With Dr. Lee Odescalchi

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Give Yourself a Break: A 7-day Joy Challenge

If you carry joy in your heart, you can heal any moment.  ~ Carlos Santana

This week, let’s take a break.  I think we could all use one right now.  COVID-19 has had us dealing with so much serious business for months now.  And it’s been heavy: full of worry and lots of problem-solving.  No matter how it’s affected you specifically, the pandemic has been asking a lot of you.  I think it’s time to balance things out.  I hope you’ll join us in our 7-day Joy challenge.

Are you saying,  “Lee, are you serious? Joy as a goal?”   Yes, because you know that when something is really important and meaningful, the surest way to make it happen is to set it up like a goal.   Just like a project or a fitness goal.  I invite you to take this Challenge on because the way to make things happen in life is to commit and plan it—even something fun like happiness homework.  Sometimes, especially in periods of crisis or ongoing difficulty, we need to build joy into our lives because fulfillment happens from us, not to us.

If you notice yourself pushing back against the idea of prioritizing fun up there with work or finances, consider this.  If you believe that your well-being is important, then you know that taking this on is actually wise and responsible.

So here’s what I want you to do.  Pick a day to start; the sooner, the better.  Every day, plan and follow through on at least 30 minutes. The intention of this exercise is solely to bring you joy.  The joy is the goal, rather than an external result.  So when choosing, ask yourself, Will this bring me internal pleasure in and of itself?

 Now you may be off to the races with ideas as soon as you accepted my invitation and decided you know you deserve it (heck, you may downright NEED it).  If you’re not coming up with things right away, not to worry, take a walk back in time.  What have you done in the past for fun?  Keep searching farther back; you’ll find things.  This is about reconnecting with your sense of play, which kids are great at.  Go back to the things you did when you were younger.

If some of your ideas aren’t readily available right now to you in your environment because of social distancing, you’re in luck.  The internet is loaded with free activities and experiences, as others are aware of the current need for pleasure booster shots.  Now, on to some brainstorming…

Go on a day adventure, explore a new place, or return to a place you know and love.

Revel in nature, take some photographs, read a book in a quiet park, find some wildflowers to decorate your home.

Find your inner hobbyist!  Try out a new recipe, garden, paint, sketch, find something you’ve always loved, or wanted to try!

Games with friends! This may be challenging with social distancing, but there are virtual options you can try.

Is there a skill you’ve always wanted to learn?  The internet is overflowing with online classes!


Listen to music

Learn to cook

For more ideas to inspire you, try:

Have fun with this: even the planning part.  Keep an open mind.  It’s okay to get a little crazy.  This is a crazy time.  Let’s shine out the crazy awful with some crazy good for a change.

Your heart wants to seek the good in even the tiniest moments.  Give it the space to do just that.  You can magnify happiness; all you have to do is focus on what you see, hear, feel, then focus a little more.  Intensify the joy.  This is how people survive even extremely difficult events and come through with their well-being intact.

Bonus time!  Would you like to help people around you?  Joy is contagious, so involve and inspire others!

My wish for you is that you will realize the payoff in this.  Actually feel the difference it makes in your days, and keep this practice after you’ve finished the seven days.

Hmm… ongoing pleasure and fun… yes, please!

So now that I have invited you, I am going to “walk the walk” and start my 7-day Challenge.  I am heading to the beach!